First of all; what is ethnic-racial discrimination? To understand it perfectly, we must know what discrimination is "all differentiated, excluding or restrictive treatment based on the ethnic-cultural origin and the physical characteristics of the person". It is a serious social problem in Peru because it deepens poverty and social exclusion and it does not allow the construction of a culture of peace and equality. Promoting the exclusion and violation of people's rights. This mainly affects people who belong to indigenous peoples, the Afro-descendant population, and people of Andean or Amazonian origin. More than half of Peruvians have felt discriminated against. A survey carried out by the Ministry of Culture informs us that 59% of Peruvians perceive that the Quechua and Aymara population is discriminated against because of their way of speaking, their clothing and the language they speak, 60% of Peruvians confirm that the Afro-Peruvian population is discriminated aga...