In this post we are going to take a look at a very vulnerable part of our country, people with disabilities. This group of people suffer day by day the ignorance and the indifference of those who discriminate against them because of their condition. This has prevented them from enjoying their rights in the labor, social, health and education areas.

It is already difficult for the majority of the peruvian population to find a job. When you m qualify for work and you have a disability, the chances are much lower to be able to pass. And if you get the job, the economic remuneration is lower than it should be, which is really an injustice. The fact that in our country it is a "delay" to hire people with disabilities, regardless of any limitations they may suffer, not only demonstrates a lack of empathy but also affects our national economy.

Currently the discrimination in the educational field it is really worrying, on several occasions there have been cases that are reported, such as the lack of measures taken to ensure the accessibility of disabled people to all activities, places and services provided by educational systems Likewise, there are many colleges and/or universities with difficulties in adapting to people with disabilities.

And in terms of health, today we can see how some health services prioritize people without disabilities because it is easier for them to care for them because there are no complications. However, this has led to great consequences with health systems, there have been reported cases in which a clear contempt is shown towards this group of individuals. They deserve to be included in all possible activities and even to make an effort so that these people feel comfortable and can have a great control of themselves.   

All this makes us question that in our society we are really growing in ignorance, harming the lives of others and building a society with zero empathy. We must begin to accept our differences and teach the little ones the value of respect, to ensure that people with disabilities in Peru stop being helpless.


Chavez, P. (1 de octubre de 2021). IUS360.


Defensoría del Pueblo (2021, 16 octubre). Defensoria del Pueblo: Estado peruano debe luchar contra la discriminación estructural existente contra las personas con discapacidad.  


Discriminación por Discapacidad. (s. f.-b). US EEOC. 



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