In this podcast they compare racism with a virus, because it can lead in murder and one little thing can spread and impact so many people. Racism harm the mental health and well - being of people of color and can leads to depression, physical, academic and psychology damage that severely impacts them, specially to children in classrooms. Racism and discrimination create a mental health issue because it causes trauma and  mental illnesses that can be serious to your health, increasing your risk of depression, anxiety, stress, trauma, etc. This needs to be taken seriously because the problem is deeper than some may think.

They also mention that, as person of color, you are more likely to experience poverty, unemployment, incarceration, or abuse. You don’t need to experience racism firsthand to feel traumatized, just watching news report of police brutality against black people (George Floyd' murder in 2021 it’s an example of police abuse). Witnessing prejudice against people of color can also cause racial trauma. 

Finally, it’s important to mention that parents need to teach their children that it's okay to talk about race, we need to help them to understand, respect, and appreciate the differences between people. To help put an end to racism, everyone has to take an active role, no matter your race or ethnicity.

PODCAST reference:

Speaking of psychology. (2022, May 25). Racism, racial discrimination and mental health, with Riana Elyse Anderson [Audio podcast episode]. Retrieved from: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6UIWvILfzOeaG1wGmbw3ef?si=575526d851c04a8e


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