Racism in peruvian television: What messages do comedy programs transmit?

Racism in peruvian television: What messages do comedy programs transmit?

 In this section we will talk about a post that caught our attention. We did a research and we found a very interesting thesis about Racism in Peruvian television, this post talks about people and organization television comedy programs in Peru and their racist content. This essay shows the difference between two television programs chosen by popularity. The results of this research impacted us a lot, the analysis they discovered were that those programs present subtle, denigrating and discriminatory racist content. These contents are presented without a significant difference between the two. Likewise, the predominant stereotypes refer to the physical, language and social class.

Introduction of the thesis: 

Racism as a theoretical concept began to be studied at the end of the 19th century. History shows that for well-founded reasons or not, the attempt to define the supremacy of one race over another has been a constant throughout the ages. For a long time, extremist groups defended a supposed racial superiority, an absolutism that led them to commit acts of intolerance of practices based on attacking vulnerable groups in society. Basically, against minorities who sought their vindication. Those events become "as the result of the inconveniences inherent in economic relations"(Treviño, 2008).

As a result of the thesis analysis . We can observe the statistics of one of the programs, the amount of racist content in these famous programs that we constantly watch and have fun with this racism disguised as "humor", giving them the rating and allowing them to keep making this programs. We can see how normalized we have this situation that we didn't even noticed the reality of this situation. 

Finally, this thesis tells us that Peruvian television, as part of its entertainment proposal, transmits comedy programs with defined structures and styles, where they explicitly and subtly recreate racist practices.


Turpo Gebera, Osbaldo, & Gutiérrez Gala, Zayuri. (2019). Racism in peruvian television: What messages do comedy programs transmit?. Revista Universidad y Sociedad11(4), 184-192. http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S2218-36202019000400184&lng=es&tlng=es.

Treviño, J. (2008). Racismo y nación: comunidades imaginadas en México. Estudios Sociológicos, 26(78), 669-694. http://www.redalyc.org/pdf/598/59811148006.pdf


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