Latest news and cases of discrimination and homophobic in Peru.

Neither love nor terror makes one blind: Indifference makes one blind.
-James Baldwin

In this section of our blog we will present the real evidence, how there are still cases of discrimination and homophobic in our country. We will show you the latest news and cases that have occurred in our country.


“Lightyear” is banned in 14 countries for lesbian kiss scene amid controversy
First, we are going to talk about a recently released movie, “Lightyear”, which has had many homophobic and discriminatory criticisms . 
This film shows a kiss between two mothers, for this reason, it has been banned in more than 14 countries. Among the nations that took this radical and homophobic measure are Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Malaysia, Egypt, Indonesia, Qatar and Lebanon.

Gender ideology? Cineplanet comes under fire for 'Lightyear' movie warning.
Besides that, ”Cineplanet”, a renowned Peruvian cinema, used a warning notice on the new Pixar film for a kiss scene between two people of the same gender. They has mentioned in its physical box offices and on its website an announcement that indicates 'warning, contains scenes of gender ideology'. This has caused the cinema chain to be heavily criticized on social media. The public criticized the actions of the company for using the expression "gender ideology" to explain the kiss shown in the film.
The Defensoría del Pueblo, through a statement on his official Twitter account, disagreed with the actions of Cineplanet. The institution rejected that under the label of ideology, it is intended to ignore the gender approach. In addition, they asked the State and society to  promote a message of respect and equality.

“There’s always going to be people who are afraid and unaware and trying to hold on to what was before." 
-Chris Evans (the actor who voices Buzz Lightyear in the Pixar's film)

2. Indecopi investigates La Bodega de la Trattoria for discrimination against blind citizen

The Indecopi Inspection Directorate initiated an investigation against the restaurant "La Bodega de la Trattoria" (Mambrino S.A.C.) after the public complaint of a visually impaired citizen about an alleged act of discrimination. 

This is a clear example of disability discrimination, a person should have the same rights, the same comforts. Far apart, the world has to adapt to all kinds of people, since we are human beings and since we are born we have rights and these have to be respected.

Providers have the obligation to provide services to the consumer in an appropriate manner and that any act of discrimination against their clients and potential clients is prohibited, indicated Indecopi.

As I mentioned before, all people deserve the same conditions in all places, it is something that people and companies should begin to value more. Unfortunately this problem still persists in society and for that same reason there is the importance of making drastic decisions if a similar case arises.


La República. (June 18, 2022). Defensoría sobre aviso en “Lightyear”: No bastan mensajes, sino acciones contra la discriminación.

La República. (June 18, 2022). ¿Ideología de género? Cineplanet es criticado por advertencia sobre película “Lightyear”.

La República. (June 16, 2022). “Lightyear” fue prohibida en 14 países por escena de beso lésbico en medio de polémica.

La República. (June 18, 2022). ¿Por qué los usuarios critican a Cineplanet por su accionar con la película “Lightyear”?

Diario Gestión. (June 8, 2022) Indecopi investiga a La Bodega de la Trattoria por discriminación a ciudadana invidente

Diario Geestion. (June 8, 2022) The Indecopi Inspection Directorate initiated an investigation against the restaurant "La Bodega de la Trattoria" (Mambrino S.A.C.) after the public complaint of a visually impaired citizen about an alleged act of discrimination.

Diario Gestión. (June 8, 2022) Providers have the obligation to provide services to the consumer in an appropriate manner and that any act of discrimination against their clients and potential clients is prohibited, indicated Indecopi.


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